title: "Project Runway RNA-seq testing data: removing livestock reads"
subtitle: ""
author: "Will Bradshaw"
date: 2023-12-22
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
code-link: true
df-print: paged
editor: visual
title-block-banner: black
#| label: load-packages
#| include: false
library (tidyverse)
library (cowplot)
library (patchwork)
library (fastqcr)
source ("../scripts/aux_plot-theme.R" )
theme_kit <- theme_base + theme (
aspect.ratio = 1 ,
axis.text.x = element_text (hjust = 1 , angle = 45 ),
axis.title.x = element_blank ()
In my [ last entry ](https://data.securebio.org/wills-public-notebook/notebooks/2023-12-19_project-runway-bmc-rna.html) , I presented my [ Nextflow workflow ](https://github.com/naobservatory/mgs-workflow) for analyzing viral MGS data, as well as the results of that workflow applied to our recent BMC RNA-seq dataset. One surprising thing I observed in those data was the presence of bovine and porcine sequences confounding my pipeline for identifying human-infecting-virus reads. To address this problem, I added a step to the pipeline to remove mammalian livestock sequences in a manner similar to the pre-existing human-removal step, by screening reads against cow and pig genomes using BBMap. In this short entry, I present the results of that change.
As expected, the bulk of the pipeline performed identically to the last analysis. Mammalian read depletion removed between 8k and 18k reads per protocol (0.007% to 0.017%):
# Import stats
kits <- tibble (sample = c ("1A" , "1C" , "2A" , "2C" , "6A" , "6C" , "SS1" , "SS2" ),
kit = c (rep ("Zymo quick-RNA kit" , 2 ),
rep ("Zymo quick-DNA/RNA kit" , 2 ),
rep ("QIAamp Viral RNA mini kit (new)" , 2 ),
rep ("QIAamp Viral RNA mini kit (old)" , 2 ))) %>%
mutate (kit = fct_inorder (kit))
stages <- c ("raw_concat" , "cleaned" , "dedup" , "ribo_initial" , "remove_human" , "remove_other" , "ribo_secondary" )
data_dir_1 <- "../data/2023-12-19_rna-seq-workflow/"
data_dir_2 <- "../data/2023-12-22_bmc-cow-depletion/"
basic_stats_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "qc_basic_stats.tsv" )
adapter_stats_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv" )
quality_base_stats_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv" )
quality_seq_stats_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv" )
# Extract stats
basic_stats <- read_tsv (basic_stats_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (stage = factor (stage, levels = stages))
adapter_stats <- read_tsv (adapter_stats_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (stage = factor (stage, levels = stages), read_pair = fct_inorder (as.character (read_pair)))
quality_base_stats <- read_tsv (quality_base_stats_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (stage = factor (stage, levels = stages), read_pair = fct_inorder (as.character (read_pair)))
quality_seq_stats <- read_tsv (quality_seq_stats_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (stage = factor (stage, levels = stages), read_pair = fct_inorder (as.character (read_pair)))
# Plot stages
basic_stats_stages <- basic_stats %>% group_by (kit,stage) %>%
summarize (n_read_pairs = sum (n_read_pairs), n_bases_approx = sum (n_bases_approx), .groups = "drop" , mean_seq_len = mean (mean_seq_len), percent_duplicates = mean (percent_duplicates))
g_reads_stages <- ggplot (basic_stats_stages, aes (x= kit, y= n_read_pairs, fill= stage)) +
geom_col (position= "dodge" ) + scale_fill_brewer (palette = "Set3" , name= "Stage" ) +
scale_y_continuous ("# Read pairs" , expand= c (0 ,0 )) +
g_bases_stages <- ggplot (basic_stats_stages, aes (x= kit, y= n_bases_approx, fill= stage)) +
geom_col (position= "dodge" ) + scale_fill_brewer (palette = "Set3" , name= "Stage" ) +
scale_y_continuous ("# Bases (approx)" , expand= c (0 ,0 )) +
legend <- get_legend (g_reads_stages)
tnl <- theme (legend.position = "none" )
plot_grid ((g_reads_stages + tnl) + (g_bases_stages + tnl), legend, nrow = 2 ,
rel_heights = c (4 ,1 ))
# Import composition data
comp_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "taxonomic_composition.tsv" )
comp <- read_tsv (comp_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
mutate (classification = sub ("Other_filtered" , "Other filtered" , classification)) %>%
arrange (desc (p_reads)) %>% mutate (classification = fct_inorder (classification))
comp_kits <- inner_join (comp, kits, by= "sample" ) %>%
group_by (kit, classification) %>%
summarize (t_reads = sum (n_reads/ p_reads), n_reads = sum (n_reads), .groups = "drop" ) %>%
mutate (p_reads = n_reads/ t_reads) %>% ungroup
# Plot overall composition
g_comp <- ggplot (comp_kits, aes (x= kit, y= p_reads, fill= classification)) +
geom_col (position = "stack" ) +
scale_y_continuous (name = "% Reads" , limits = c (0 ,1 ), breaks = seq (0 ,1 ,0.2 ),
expand = c (0 ,0 ), labels = function (x) x* 100 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = "Set1" , name = "Classification" ) +
theme_kit + theme (aspect.ratio = 1 / 3 )
# Plot composition of minor components
read_comp_minor <- comp_kits %>% filter (p_reads < 0.1 )
g_comp_minor <- ggplot (read_comp_minor, aes (x= kit, y= p_reads, fill= classification)) +
geom_col (position = "stack" ) +
scale_y_continuous (name = "% Reads" , limits = c (0 ,0.02 ), breaks = seq (0 ,0.02 ,0.004 ),
expand = c (0 ,0 ), labels = function (x) x* 100 ) +
scale_fill_brewer (palette = "Set1" , name = "Classification" ) +
theme_kit + theme (aspect.ratio = 1 / 3 )
To identify human-viral reads, I used the multi-stage process specified in the last entry. Specifically, after removing human reads with BBmap, the remaining reads went through the following steps:
1. Align reads to a database of human-infecting virus genomes with Bowtie2, with permissive parameters, & retain reads with at least one match. (Roughly 20k read pairs per kit, or 0.25% of all surviving non-host reads.)
2. Run reads that successfully align with Bowtie2 through Kraken2 (using the standard 16GB database) and exclude reads assigned by Kraken2 to any non-human-infecting-virus taxon. (Roughly 5500 surviving read pairs per kit.)
3. Calculate length-adjusted alignment score $S=\frac{\text{bowtie2 alignment score}}{\ln(\text{read length})}$. Filter out reads that don't meet at least one of the following four criteria:
- The read pair is *assigned* to a human-infecting virus by both Kraken and Bowtie2
- The read pair contains a Kraken2 *hit* to the same taxid as it is assigned to by Bowtie2.
- The read pair is unassigned by Kraken and $S>15$ for the forward read
- The read pair is unassigned by Kraken and $S>15$ for the reverse read
#| warning: false
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 8
# Import Bowtie2/Kraken data and perform filtering steps
mrg_path <- file.path (data_dir_2, "hv_hits_putative_all.tsv" )
mrg0 <- read_tsv (mrg_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (filter_step= 1 ) %>%
select (kit, sample, seq_id, taxid, assigned_taxid, adj_score_fwd, adj_score_rev,
classified, assigned_hv, query_seq_fwd, query_seq_rev, encoded_hits,
filter_step) %>%
arrange (sample, desc (adj_score_fwd), desc (adj_score_rev))
mrg1 <- mrg0 %>% filter ((! classified) | assigned_hv) %>% mutate (filter_step= 2 )
mrg2 <- mrg1 %>%
mutate (hit_hv = ! is.na (str_match (encoded_hits, paste0 (" " , as.character (taxid), ":" )))) %>%
filter (adj_score_fwd > 15 | adj_score_rev > 15 | assigned_hv | hit_hv) %>%
mutate (filter_step= 3 )
mrg_all <- bind_rows (mrg0, mrg1, mrg2)
# Visualize
g_mrg <- ggplot (mrg_all, aes (x= adj_score_fwd, y= adj_score_rev, color= assigned_hv)) +
geom_point (alpha= 0.5 , shape= 16 ) +
scale_color_brewer (palette= "Set1" , name= "Assigned to \n human virus \n by Kraken2" ) +
scale_x_continuous (name= "S(forward read)" , limits= c (0 ,65 ), breaks= seq (0 ,100 ,20 ), expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
scale_y_continuous (name= "S(reverse read)" , limits= c (0 ,65 ), breaks= seq (0 ,100 ,20 ), expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
facet_grid (filter_step~ kit, labeller = labeller (filter_step= function (x) paste ("Step" , x), kit = label_wrap_gen (20 ))) +
theme_base + theme (aspect.ratio= 1 )
Applying all of these filtering steps left a total of 227 read pairs across all kits: 14 fewer than in the previous analysis. The 14 excluded read pairs included all 11 cow and pig reads, as well as three other read pairs classified as non-viral by BLAST. After removing these reads, the distribution of read scores vs BLAST HV status looked like the following, with many fewer high-scoring non-HV reads:
#| warning: false
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 8
mrg_old_path <- file.path (data_dir_1, "hv_hits_putative.tsv" )
mrg_old <- read_tsv (mrg_old_path, show_col_types = FALSE ) %>%
inner_join (kits, by= "sample" ) %>% mutate (filter_step= 1 ) %>%
select (kit, sample, seq_id, taxid, assigned_taxid, adj_score_fwd, adj_score_rev,
classified, assigned_hv, query_seq_fwd, query_seq_rev, encoded_hits,
filter_step) %>%
arrange (sample, desc (adj_score_fwd), desc (adj_score_rev)) %>%
filter ((! classified) | assigned_hv) %>% mutate (filter_step= 2 ) %>%
mutate (hit_hv = ! is.na (str_match (encoded_hits, paste0 (" " , as.character (taxid), ":" ))[1 ])) %>%
filter (adj_score_fwd > 15 | adj_score_rev > 15 | assigned_hv | hit_hv) %>%
mutate (filter_step= 3 )
hv_blast_old <- list (
` 1A ` = c (rep (TRUE , 40 ), TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE , TRUE ),
` 1C ` = c (rep (TRUE , 5 ), "COWS" , TRUE , TRUE , FALSE , TRUE , rep (FALSE , 9 )),
` 2A ` = c (rep (TRUE , 10 ), "COWS" , TRUE , "COWS" , "COWS" , TRUE ,
` 2C ` = c (rep (TRUE , 5 ), TRUE , "COWS" , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE ,
` 6A ` = c (rep (TRUE , 10 ), FALSE , TRUE , FALSE , FALSE , FALSE ,
` 6C ` = c (rep (TRUE , 5 ), "PIGS" , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE ,
SS1 = c (rep (TRUE , 5 ), rep (FALSE , 10 ),
"FALSE" , "COWS" , "FALSE" , "FALSE" , "FALSE" ,
rep (FALSE , 15 )
SS2 = c (rep (TRUE , 25 ), TRUE , "COWS" , TRUE , TRUE , TRUE ,
rep (FALSE , 5 ),
mrg_old_blast <- mrg_old %>% group_by (sample) %>%
mutate (seq_num = row_number ()) %>% ungroup %>%
mutate (hv_blast = unlist (hv_blast_old),
kraken_label = ifelse (assigned_hv, "Kraken2 HV \n assignment" ,
ifelse (hit_hv, "Kraken2 HV \n hit" ,
"No hit or \n assignment" )))
mrg_old_blast_filtered <- mrg_old_blast %>% filter (seq_id %in% mrg2$ seq_id)
g_mrg3_1 <- mrg_old_blast_filtered %>% mutate (hv_blast = hv_blast == "TRUE" ) %>%
ggplot (aes (x= adj_score_fwd, y= adj_score_rev, color= hv_blast)) +
geom_point (alpha= 0.5 , shape= 16 ) +
scale_color_brewer (palette= "Set1" , name= "Assigned to \n human virus \n by BLAST" ) +
scale_x_continuous (name= "S(forward read)" , limits= c (0 ,65 ), breaks= seq (0 ,100 ,20 ), expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
scale_y_continuous (name= "S(reverse read)" , limits= c (0 ,65 ), breaks= seq (0 ,100 ,20 ), expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
facet_grid (kraken_label~ kit, labeller = labeller (kit = label_wrap_gen (20 ))) +
theme_base + theme (aspect.ratio= 1 )
Repeating the exercise from the last entry, in which different score thresholds are assessed along different performance metrics, we find a significant improvement in optimal F1 score compared to the pre-filtering dataset, with a maximum F1 of 0.958 for a conjunctive threshold and 0.966 for a disjunctive threshold (both at a threshold score value of 20):
#| fig-width: 8
#| fig-height: 4
# Test sensitivity and specificity
test_sens_spec <- function (tab, score_threshold, conjunctive, include_special){
if (! include_special) tab <- filter (tab, hv_blast %in% c ("TRUE" , "FALSE" ))
tab_retained <- tab %>% mutate (
conjunctive = conjunctive,
retain_score_conjunctive = (adj_score_fwd > score_threshold & adj_score_rev > score_threshold),
retain_score_disjunctive = (adj_score_fwd > score_threshold | adj_score_rev > score_threshold),
retain_score = ifelse (conjunctive, retain_score_conjunctive, retain_score_disjunctive),
retain = assigned_hv | hit_hv | retain_score) %>%
group_by (hv_blast, retain) %>% count
pos_tru <- tab_retained %>% filter (hv_blast == "TRUE" , retain) %>% pull (n) %>% sum
pos_fls <- tab_retained %>% filter (hv_blast != "TRUE" , retain) %>% pull (n) %>% sum
neg_tru <- tab_retained %>% filter (hv_blast != "TRUE" , ! retain) %>% pull (n) %>% sum
neg_fls <- tab_retained %>% filter (hv_blast == "TRUE" , ! retain) %>% pull (n) %>% sum
sensitivity <- pos_tru / (pos_tru + neg_fls)
specificity <- neg_tru / (neg_tru + pos_fls)
precision <- pos_tru / (pos_tru + pos_fls)
f1 <- 2 * precision * sensitivity / (precision + sensitivity)
out <- tibble (threshold= score_threshold, include_special = include_special,
conjunctive = conjunctive, sensitivity= sensitivity,
specificity= specificity, precision= precision, f1= f1)
return (out)
stats_conj <- lapply (15 : 45 , test_sens_spec, tab= mrg_old_blast_filtered, include_special= TRUE , conjunctive= TRUE ) %>% bind_rows
stats_disj <- lapply (15 : 45 , test_sens_spec, tab= mrg_old_blast_filtered, include_special= TRUE , conjunctive= FALSE ) %>% bind_rows
stats_all <- bind_rows (stats_conj, stats_disj) %>%
pivot_longer (! (threshold: conjunctive), names_to= "metric" , values_to= "value" ) %>%
mutate (conj_label = ifelse (conjunctive, "Conjunctive" , "Disjunctive" ))
threshold_opt <- stats_all %>% group_by (conj_label) %>% filter (metric == "f1" ) %>% filter (value == max (value)) %>% filter (threshold == min (threshold))
g_stats <- ggplot (stats_all, aes (x= threshold, y= value, color= metric)) +
geom_line () +
geom_vline (data = threshold_opt, mapping= aes (xintercept= threshold), color= "red" ,
linetype = "dashed" ) +
scale_y_continuous (name = "Value" , limits= c (0 ,1 ), breaks = seq (0 ,1 ,0.2 ), expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
scale_x_continuous (name = "Threshold" , expand = c (0 ,0 )) +
facet_wrap (~ conj_label) +
As such, it appears that filtering mammalian livestock genomes is quite successful in improving our HV detection pipeline, at least for this dataset.