Testing the single-read version of mgs-workflow’s RAW and CLEAN subworkflows


Simon Grimm


October 23, 2024

I’m adapting mgs-workflow to take in single-read sequencing data. Here I’m checking if: (i) the output of the single-read RAW and CLEAN workflows look as expected, and (ii) if the output of the paired-end version is the same as the output of the test run on dev.

The dataset used here was generated from Project Runway samples, with library prep performed at the BMC followed by Element AVITI sequencing. Will previously analyzed this data here. Notably, the reverse reads of the paired-end run were low quality, at the same time as our MultiQC analyses not providing separate quality statitics for the forward and reverse reads. As such, the plots of the paired-end data show artefacts due to an iniability to distinguish between forward and reverse reads. I created a Github issue for this.

I find that the single-read QC output of the RAW and CLEAN workflows looks as expected, i.e., similar to those of the forward reads in the paired-end run. Differences in the two datasets are mostly mediated by the reverse reads of the paired-end run being low quality, leading to fewer reads and base pairs passing through FASTP, and thus affecting the paired-end QC measures.

I will amend the PROFILE subworkflow of mgs-workflow next.


The single-end dataset simply consists of the forward reads of our usual test dataset. Additionally, I work with the paired-end test dataset, run on the single-read-raw pipeline, and the same dataset run with the master branch of mgs-workflow.

I compared the qc output of the two paired-end runs, and they are identical, suggesting that the addition of single-read functionality doesn’t impede mgs-workflow runs on paired-end data.

single_read_dir = "mgs-results/test_single_read"
paired_read_dir = "mgs-results/test_paired_end"
test_dir = "mgs-results/test"

se_output_dir = os.path.join(single_read_dir, "output")
pe_output_dir = os.path.join(paired_read_dir, "output")
test_output_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "output")

se_results_dir = os.path.join(se_output_dir, "results")
pe_results_dir = os.path.join(pe_output_dir, "results")
test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_output_dir, "results")

se_basic_stats_path = os.path.join(se_results_dir, "qc_basic_stats.tsv.gz")
se_adapter_stats_path = os.path.join(se_results_dir, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv.gz")
se_quality_base_stats_path = os.path.join(se_results_dir, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv.gz")
se_quality_seq_stats_path = os.path.join(se_results_dir, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv.gz")

pe_basic_stats_path = os.path.join(pe_results_dir, "qc_basic_stats.tsv.gz")
pe_adapter_stats_path = os.path.join(pe_results_dir, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv.gz")
pe_quality_base_stats_path = os.path.join(pe_results_dir, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv.gz")
pe_quality_seq_stats_path = os.path.join(pe_results_dir, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv.gz")

test_basic_stats_path = os.path.join(test_results_dir, "qc_basic_stats.tsv.gz")
test_adapter_stats_path = os.path.join(test_results_dir, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv.gz")
test_quality_base_stats_path = os.path.join(test_results_dir, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv.gz")
test_quality_seq_stats_path = os.path.join(test_results_dir, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv.gz")

Assessing basic stats for both raw and cleaned reads

se_basic_stats = pd.read_csv(se_basic_stats_path, sep='\t')
pe_basic_stats = pd.read_csv(pe_basic_stats_path, sep='\t')
test_basic_stats = pd.read_csv(test_basic_stats_path, sep='\t')

Comparing the basic stats of the single-read version to the paired-end version, the most notable difference is paired-end data losing more bases and reads through FASTP cleaning. Accounting for paired-end reads containing twice as many base pairs, cleaned paired-end read files contain 16.4% fewer bases than cleaned single-end read files. This is largely due to FASTP dropping low-quality read pairs, with the number of cleaned paired-end reads 18.5% lower than the number of cleaned single-end reads. See Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 for per-sample statistics.

My current hypothesis for this pattern is that the reverse reads are very low quality, as seen in Figure 4.1, leading FASTP to drop many of the read pairs with a low-quality reverse read. I won’t investigate this further for now, but it suggests we should use a new test dataset that has high-quality forward and reverse reads. Harmon is working on this, which is great.

combined_df = se_basic_stats[["sample", "n_bases_approx", "stage", "n_read_pairs"]].merge(
    pe_basic_stats[["sample", "n_bases_approx", "stage", "n_read_pairs"]],
    on=["sample", "stage"],
    suffixes=["_single", "_paired"]

combined_df["ratio_bases"] = round((combined_df["n_bases_approx_paired"] / combined_df["n_bases_approx_single"]) , 2)
combined_df["ratio_read_pairs"] = round(combined_df["n_read_pairs_paired"] / combined_df["n_read_pairs_single"], 2)

# Order columns
combined_df_base_pairs = combined_df[["sample", "stage", "n_bases_approx_single", "n_bases_approx_paired", "ratio_bases"]]
# Display the result
stage n_bases_approx_single n_bases_approx_paired ratio_bases
230926Esv_D23-14905-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14904-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14911-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14906-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14907-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14909-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14908-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14910-1 raw_concat 150.0 300.0 2.00
230926Esv_D23-14911-1 cleaned 123.3 204.0 1.65
230926Esv_D23-14910-1 cleaned 121.4 205.2 1.69
230926Esv_D23-14909-1 cleaned 123.8 192.7 1.56
230926Esv_D23-14907-1 cleaned 125.0 205.3 1.64
230926Esv_D23-14908-1 cleaned 128.3 201.7 1.57
230926Esv_D23-14905-1 cleaned 125.5 187.4 1.49
230926Esv_D23-14904-1 cleaned 122.8 186.6 1.52
230926Esv_D23-14906-1 cleaned 127.1 203.0 1.60
Table 2.1: Comparison of the number of bases between single-read and paired-end runs, for both raw and cleaned files
combined_df_read_pairs = combined_df[["sample", "stage", "n_read_pairs_single", "n_read_pairs_paired", "ratio_read_pairs"]]

stage n_read_pairs_single n_read_pairs_paired ratio_read_pairs
230926Esv_D23-14905-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14904-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14911-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14906-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14907-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14909-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14908-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14910-1 raw_concat 1000 1000 1.00
230926Esv_D23-14911-1 cleaned 980 788 0.80
230926Esv_D23-14910-1 cleaned 973 796 0.82
230926Esv_D23-14909-1 cleaned 973 737 0.76
230926Esv_D23-14907-1 cleaned 971 772 0.80
230926Esv_D23-14908-1 cleaned 980 741 0.76
230926Esv_D23-14905-1 cleaned 971 704 0.73
230926Esv_D23-14904-1 cleaned 961 708 0.74
230926Esv_D23-14906-1 cleaned 978 755 0.77
Table 2.2: Comparison of the number of reads between single-read and paired-end runs, for both raw and cleaned files

Comparing adapter contamination stats

Comparing adapter contamination (Figure 3.1) between single-read and paired-end runs, the raw_concat and cleaned adapter contaminations show similar trends.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, dpi=300, figsize=(10, 8))
sns.lineplot(data=se_adapter_stats, x='position', y='pc_adapters', hue='stage', ax=axs[0],units="sample", estimator=None, legend=True)
sns.lineplot(data=pe_adapter_stats, x='position', y='pc_adapters', hue='stage', ax=axs[1],units="sample", estimator=None, legend=True)

# Set common properties for both subplots
for ax in axs:
    ax.set_ylabel('% Adapters')
    ax.grid(True, linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)

# Set titles for each subplot
axs[0].set_title('Single-End Adapter Stats')
axs[1].set_title('Paired-End Adapter Stats')
# Remove top and right spines for both subplots
for ax in axs:
Figure 3.1: Adapter contamination along reads

Comparing base quality stats

This plot has become less meaningful with the inability to distinguish between forward and reverse reads. I might rerun this plot once we have a new, better test dataset.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, dpi=300, figsize=(10, 8))

sns.lineplot(data=se_quality_base_stats, x='position', y='mean_phred_score', hue='stage', units="sample", ax=axs[0],estimator=None, legend=True)

sns.lineplot(data=pe_quality_base_stats, x='position', y='mean_phred_score', hue='stage', units="sample", ax=axs[1],estimator=None, legend=True)

axs[0].set_title('Mean phred scores across single-end reads')
axs[1].set_title('Mean phred scores across paired-end reads')

for ax in axs:

Figure 4.1: Phred scores along the read

Comparing sequence quality stats

Plotting the mean phred score (Figure 5.1) again a comparison is hard due to the inability to distinguish between forward and reverse reads in the paired-end data. Nevertheless, in aggregate the single-read data has higher quality scores, which is expected given that the foward reads of the test dataset, whcih make up the single-read data, have higher quality scores than the reverse reads.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, dpi=300, figsize=(10, 8))
sns.lineplot(data=se_quality_seq_stats, x='mean_phred_score', y='n_sequences', hue='stage', ax=axs[0],units="sample", estimator=None, legend=True)


sns.lineplot(data=pe_quality_seq_stats, x='mean_phred_score', y='n_sequences', hue='stage', ax=axs[1], units="sample", estimator=None, legend=True)

axs[0].set_title('Mean phred scores of single-end reads')
axs[1].set_title('Mean phred scores of paired-end reads')

for ax in axs:
    ax.set_xlim(0, 40)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 500)
Figure 5.1: Average Phred scores of sequences