This is another potential study of this series. In this post, I analyze Thompson 2023, a dataset with 417 samples of whole blood from healthy and SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals in the US.
I’d like to thank Lenni for giving me feedback on the notebook and Will for providing me with a boilerplate rmarkdown file. This notebook uses the MGS Workflow v2.2.1 (note that this is old).
1 The raw data
1.1 About
This dataset is composed of 417 samples of whole blood from the US. In total, there were 353 SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals and 64 healthy individuals that contributed to this study. For each sample, they performed RNA-sequencing, with Illumina NovaSeq 6000, producing 2x100 bp reads.
Patients were seen between April and June 2020 for COVID-19. The whole blood used for RNA-seq was collected in Tempus RNA Blood Tubes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 4342792). As soon as possible after blood collection, tubes were shaken and stored at −80 °C.
RNA extraction, library preparation and sequencing were performed as described previously 28. In brief, frozen blood samples were thawed, and total RNA was extracted using a modification of the MagMax protocol for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit. Samples yielding sufficient RNA (>50 ng) were barcoded and prepared for pooled whole transcriptome sequencing using the TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Gold, which is designed to remove ribosomal, globin and mitochondrial RNA. Libraries were amplified with 15 cycles of PCR, pooled and sequenced on a NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina) using Sprime flow cells with 100-bp paired-end reads, targeting a mean of 50 million read pairs per sample.
1.2 Quality control metrics
In total, these 417 samples contained 27.7B read pairs. The samples had 30.7M - 133.9M (mean ~66.4M) read pairs each. The number of reads looks pretty good, although a few samples have a much lower number of reads. The total number of base pairs also looks reasonable, matching the trends of the number of reads. The duplication rate is very high. Adapter content is variable, but most samples have a low adapter content (below 5%). As we’d expect, we see higher quality Q scores near the beginning of the read and a gradual decline towards the end of the read, however all positions seem to have a Q score of 35 which means that our reads are ~99.97% accurate. When looking at the Q score over all sequences, we can see a sharp peak around 35, which corresponds to the previous plot, indicating high read quality.
The average fraction of reads at each stage in the preprocessing pipeline is shown in the following table. Adapter trimming & filtering doesn’t lose too many reads. Deduplication loses us about 55% of reads on average, which is good considering the high duplication content seen earlier. Ribodepletion only removes about 2% of reads in total, which makes sense as they did ribosomal depletion during sample preparation.
# TODO: Group by pool size as well# Count read lossesn_reads_rel <- basic_stats %>%select(sample, stage, percent_duplicates, n_read_pairs) %>%group_by(sample) %>%arrange(sample, stage) %>%mutate(p_reads_retained = n_read_pairs /lag(n_read_pairs),p_reads_lost =1- p_reads_retained,p_reads_retained_abs = n_read_pairs / n_read_pairs[1],p_reads_lost_abs =1-p_reads_retained_abs,p_reads_lost_abs_marginal = p_reads_lost_abs -lag(p_reads_lost_abs))n_reads_rel_display <- n_reads_rel %>%rename(Stage=stage) %>%group_by(Stage) %>%summarize(`% Total Reads Lost (Cumulative)`=paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), ")"),`% Total Reads Lost (Marginal)`=paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), ")"), .groups="drop") %>%filter(Stage !="raw_concat") %>%mutate(Stage = Stage %>% as.numeric %>%factor(labels=c("Trimming & filtering", "Deduplication", "Initial ribodepletion", "Secondary ribodepletion")))n_reads_rel_display
2.2 Quality control metrics
Cleaning seems to get rid of the library contamination and the polyg contamination. Polya contamination still is present, but I don’t think we’ve found a solution to remove it as yet. Q score remain the same during read cleaning when looking at the positions, with the end of the read actually improving in score. Q scores across all sequences look pretty much the same throughout cleaning.
These plots below show the trends from above in each sample. Deduplication seems to drop by a lot post deduplication,which is a good thing given it was so high earlier. Mean read length remains relatively constant throuhgout. Some samples still seem to have high ribosomal content, however I’m not too worried about this.
Total viral fraction average \(1.12 \times 10^{-6}\) across samples. As a fraction of assigned (rather than total) reads, this jumped to \(2.96 \times 10^{-6}\):
3.3 Taxonomic composition of viruses
There seems to be no dominant virus in the samples. Specifically, this seems to be the dataset with the most viral diversity (when compared to the previous plasma datasets). The threshold for the label “other” are the set of families that make up less than 30% composition in all samples.
I calculated the relative abundance of human-infecting viruses in two ways:
First, as the total number of deduplicated human-virus reads in each sample, divided by the number of raw reads (“All reads”). This results in a viral fraction of \(1.5 \times 10^{-6}\) across all samples
Second, as a fraction of preprocessed (cleaned, deduplicated, computationally ribodepleted) reads (“Preprocessed reads”). This results in a viral fraction of \(3.2 \times 10^{-6}\) across all samples.
4.2 Overall taxonomy and composition
Composition of HV reads was changed from when looking at all viral reads. First, only 15% of the individuals in this dataset had human infecting viruses detectable in their blood. Second, individuals seem to be dominated by a single viral family. The threshold for the label “other” are the set of families that make up less than 5% composition in all samples.
# Get most prominent families for texthv_family_collate <- hv_family_counts %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(n_reads_tot =sum(n_reads_hv),p_reads_max =max(p_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))hv_family_collate
4.3 Analyzing specific families
We now investigate the composition of specific families that had more than 5 viral reads. In investigating individual viral families, to avoid distortions from a few rare reads, I restricted myself to samples where that family made up at least 1% of human-viral reads:
4.4 Relative abundance of pathogenic viruses of interest
Each dot represents a sample, colored by viral family. The x-axis shows the relative abundance of human-infecting viruses, and the y-axis shows the species.
I can then take all of the viruses that we found and look up what they’re responsible for and whether they’re dangerous.
Virus Name
Common Name
Pathogenic Potential
Human immunodeficiency virus 1
Very high, causes AIDS if left untreated, leading to severe immunodeficiency
SARS-related coronavirus
High, causes severe acute respiratory syndrome with potentially fatal outcomes
Hepacivirus hominis
Hepatitis C Virus
High, causes chronic liver disease and can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer
Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5
Human Cytomegalovirus
Moderate to high, can cause severe disease in immunocompromised individuals and congenital infections
Lymphocryptovirus humangamma4
Epstein-Barr Virus
Moderate, causes infectious mononucleosis and associated with certain cancers
Erythroparvovirus primate1
Human Parvovirus B19
Moderate, causes fifth disease and can be serious in certain populations (pregnant women, immunocompromised)
Roseolovirus humanbeta6a
Human Herpesvirus 6A
Low to moderate, can cause roseola in children and occasionally more severe complications
Roseolovirus humanbeta6b
Human Herpesvirus 6B
Low to moderate, can cause roseola in children and occasionally more severe complications
Alphapapillomavirus 2
Human Papillomavirus 2
Low to moderate, can cause common warts and rarely progress to cancer
Betapapillomavirus 5
Human Papillomavirus 5
Low to moderate, associated with skin lesions in immunosuppressed individuals
Betapapillomavirus 2
Human Papillomavirus 9
Low to moderate, associated with cutaneous lesions and rarely with non-melanoma skin cancer
Primate T-lymphotropic virus 2
Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus 2
Low, rarely associated with neurological disorders
Nupapillomavirus 1
Human Papillomavirus 41
Low, can cause benign cutaneous lesions
Alphapolyomavirus quintihominis
Human Polyomavirus 5
Low, not known to cause significant disease in healthy individuals
Pegivirus hominis
Human Pegivirus
Very low, not known to cause disease in humans
Pegivirus columbiaense
Pegivirus C
Very low, not known to cause disease in humans
This was interesting to see. This is the first study where we’ve seen signficant numbers of human-infecting viruses in whole blood.
4.5 Relative abundance assuming perfect human read removal
Assuming we’re able to perfectly remove all human reads, the average relative abundance of known human infecting virus is \(1.91 \times 10^{-5}\).
5 Conclusion
There were some interesting takeways from this analysis:
Whole blood metagenomics was able to detect HIV-1, SARS-CoV-2, HCV, CMV, EBV, HTLV-2, and other herpesviruses. This is important as some of these are latent viruses.
Far fewer individuals tend to have detectable levels of human infecting viruses, when compared to the plasma datasets.
Important viruses can be detected from RNA-seq data, even if the study wasn’t explictly designed to look at them.
6 Appendix
6.1 Human-infecting virus families, genera, and species
To get a good overview of families, genera, and species, we can look at a Sankey plot where the magnitude of relative abundance, averaged over all samples, is shown in parentheses.
# Function to create linkscreate_links <-function(data) { family_to_genus <- data %>%filter(! %>%group_by(family, genus) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = family, target = genus) genus_to_species <- data %>%group_by(genus, species) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = genus, target = species) family_to_species <- data %>%filter( %>%group_by(family, species) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = family, target = species)bind_rows(family_to_genus, genus_to_species, family_to_species) %>%filter(!}# Function to create nodescreate_nodes <-function(links) {data.frame(name =c(links$source, links$target) %>%unique() )}# Function to prepare data for Sankey diagramprepare_sankey_data <-function(links, nodes) { links$IDsource <-match(links$source, nodes$name) -1 links$IDtarget <-match(links$target, nodes$name) -1list(links = links, nodes = nodes)}# Function to create Sankey plotcreate_sankey_plot <-function(sankey_data) {sankeyNetwork(Links = sankey_data$links, Nodes = sankey_data$nodes,Source ="IDsource", Target ="IDtarget",Value ="value", NodeID ="name",sinksRight =TRUE,nodeWidth =25,fontSize =14, )}save_sankey_as_png <-function(sankey_plot, width =1000, height =800) {# Save the plot as an HTML filesaveWidget(sankey_plot, sprintf('%s/sankey.html',data_dir))}format_scientific <-function(x, digits=2) {sapply(x, function(val) {if ( ||abs(val) <1e-15) {return("0") } else { exponent <-floor(log10(abs(val))) coef <- val /10^exponent#return(sprintf("%.1f × 10^%d", round(coef, digits), exponent))# May or may not be smart, just keeping magnitudereturn(sprintf("10^%d", exponent)) } })}data <- result %>%mutate(across(c(genus_n_reads_tot, genus_ra_reads_tot), ~replace_na(., 0)),genus =ifelse(, "Unknown Genus", genus)) %>%mutate(species =paste0(species, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(species_ra_reads_tot))),genus =paste0(genus, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(genus_ra_reads_tot))),family =paste0(family, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(family_ra_reads_tot))))links < <-create_nodes(links)sankey_data <-prepare_sankey_data(links, nodes)sankey <-create_sankey_plot(sankey_data)sankey
Source Code
---title: "Workflow of Thompson et al. (2023)"subtitle: "Individual whole blood from US (RNA)"author: "Harmon Bhasin"date: 2024-09-12format: html: toc: true # table of contents toc-title: "Table of contents" # table of contents title number-sections: true # number sections number-depth: 3 # number depth to show in table of contents toc-location: right # table of contents location page-layout: full # full page layout code-fold: true # Keep option to fold code (i.e. show or hide it; default: hide) code-tools: true # Code menu in the header of your document that provides various tools for readers to interact with the source code code-link: true # Enables hyper-linking of functions within code blocks to their online documentation df-print: paged # print data frame fig-format: svg other-links: - text: Paper href: - text: Data href: code-links: - text: Code for this post icon: file-code href: visual: true render-on-save: truecomments: hypothesis: true # hypothesisexecute: freeze: auto cache: truetitle-block-banner: "#de2d26"---```{r}#| label: load-packages#| include: falselibrary(pacman)pacman::p_load(tidyverse, cowplot, patchwork, fastqcr, RColorBrewer, networkD3, readxl, htmlwidgets, ggbeeswarm, latex2exp, languageserver, scales, ggpubr)head_dir <-"/Users/harmonbhasin/work/securebio/"source(sprintf("%s/sampling-strategies/scripts/aux_plot-theme.R", head_dir))image_dir <-sprintf('%s/lab_meeting/thijssen', head_dir)theme_base <- theme_base +theme(aspect.ratio =NULL)theme_kit <- theme_base +theme(axis.text.x =element_text(hjust =1, angle =45),axis.title.x =element_blank(),)tnl <-theme(legend.position ="none")``````{r}#| label: set-up-paths#| include: false# Data input pathsdata_dir <-"/Users/harmonbhasin/work/securebio/nao-harmon/thompson2023/analysis/"input_dir <-file.path(data_dir, "data/input")results_dir <-file.path(data_dir, "data/results")qc_dir <-file.path(results_dir, "qc")hv_dir <-file.path(results_dir, "hv")libraries_path <-file.path(input_dir, "libraries.csv")basic_stats_path <-file.path(qc_dir, "qc_basic_stats.tsv.gz")adapter_stats_path <-file.path(qc_dir, "qc_adapter_stats.tsv.gz")quality_base_stats_path <-file.path(qc_dir, "qc_quality_base_stats.tsv.gz")quality_seq_stats_path <-file.path(qc_dir, "qc_quality_sequence_stats.tsv.gz")```This is another potential study of [this series]( In this post, I analyze [Thompson 2023](, a dataset with 417 samples of whole blood from healthy and SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals in the US.*I'd like to thank Lenni for giving me feedback on the notebook and Will for providing me with a boilerplate rmarkdown file. This notebook uses the MGS Workflow v2.2.1 (note that this is old).*# The raw data## About[This dataset]( is composed of 417 samples of whole blood from the US. In total, there were 353 SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals and 64 healthy individuals that contributed to this study. For each sample, they performed RNA-sequencing, with Illumina NovaSeq 6000, producing 2x100 bp reads.```{r}#| warning: false#| label: load-librarieslow_sample_number <-c('SRR21924256')# Import libraries and extract metadata from sample nameslibraries <-read_csv(libraries_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%filter(!sample %in% low_sample_number)#meta_data <- read_csv('/Users/harmonbhasin/work/securebio/nao-harmon/thijssen2023/preprocessing/SraRunTable.txt') %>%# select('Library Name', Run) %>% rename(sample = Run, library = 'Library Name')#libraries <- libraries %>%# left_join(meta_data, by = 'sample') %>%# select(sample, library=library.y) %>% # filter(library != 'PCL21') %>%# mutate(library = factor(library, levels = c(paste0('PCL', 1:20))))#libraries```### Sample + library preparation This is paraphrased from the paper:> Patients were seen between April and June 2020 for COVID-19. The whole blood used for RNA-seq was collected in Tempus RNA Blood Tubes (Thermo Fisher Scientific, 4342792). As soon as possible after blood collection, tubes were shaken and stored at −80 °C. > > RNA extraction, library preparation and sequencing were performed as described previously [28]( In brief, frozen blood samples were thawed, and total RNA was extracted using a modification of the MagMax protocol for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit. Samples yielding sufficient RNA (>50 ng) were barcoded and prepared for pooled whole transcriptome sequencing using the TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Gold, which is designed to remove ribosomal, globin and mitochondrial RNA. Libraries were amplified with 15 cycles of PCR, pooled and sequenced on a NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina) using Sprime flow cells with 100-bp paired-end reads, targeting a mean of 50 million read pairs per sample. ## Quality control metrics```{r}#| label: read-qc-data#| include: false# Import QC datastages <-c("raw_concat", "cleaned", "dedup", "ribo_initial", "ribo_secondary")basic_stats <-read_tsv(basic_stats_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample) %>%mutate(stage =factor(stage, levels = stages),sample =fct_inorder(sample)) %>%filter(!sample %in% low_sample_number)adapter_stats <-read_tsv(adapter_stats_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample) %>%mutate(stage =factor(stage, levels = stages),read_pair =fct_inorder(as.character(read_pair))) %>%filter(!sample %in% low_sample_number)quality_base_stats <-read_tsv(quality_base_stats_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample) %>%mutate(stage =factor(stage, levels = stages),read_pair =fct_inorder(as.character(read_pair))) %>%filter(!sample %in% low_sample_number)quality_seq_stats <-read_tsv(quality_seq_stats_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample) %>%mutate(stage =factor(stage, levels = stages),read_pair =fct_inorder(as.character(read_pair))) %>%filter(!sample %in% low_sample_number)# Filter to raw data basic_stats_raw <- basic_stats %>%filter(stage =="raw_concat") adapter_stats_raw <- adapter_stats %>%filter(stage =="raw_concat") quality_base_stats_raw <- quality_base_stats %>%filter(stage =="raw_concat") quality_seq_stats_raw <- quality_seq_stats %>%filter(stage =="raw_concat")# Get key values for readoutraw_read_counts <- basic_stats_raw %>%summarize(rmin =min(n_read_pairs), rmax=max(n_read_pairs),rmean=mean(n_read_pairs), rtot =sum(n_read_pairs),btot =sum(n_bases_approx),dmin =min(percent_duplicates), dmax=max(percent_duplicates),dmean=mean(percent_duplicates), .groups ="drop")```In total, these 417 samples contained 27.7B read pairs. The samples had 30.7M - 133.9M (mean ~66.4M) read pairs each. The number of reads looks pretty good, although a few samples have a much lower number of reads. The total number of base pairs also looks reasonable, matching the trends of the number of reads. The duplication rate is very high. Adapter content is variable, but most samples have a low adapter content (below 5%). As we'd expect, we see higher quality Q scores near the beginning of the read and a gradual decline towards the end of the read, however all positions seem to have a Q score of 35 which means that our reads are \~99.97% accurate. When looking at the Q score over all sequences, we can see a sharp peak around 35, which corresponds to the previous plot, indicating high read quality. ```{r}#| fig-width: 9#| warning: false#| label: plot-basic-stats# Prepare databasic_stats_raw_metrics <- basic_stats_raw %>%select(library,`# Read pairs`= n_read_pairs,`Total base pairs\n(approx)`= n_bases_approx,`% Duplicates\n(FASTQC)`= percent_duplicates) %>%pivot_longer(-library, names_to ="metric", values_to ="value") %>%mutate(metric =fct_inorder(metric)) # Set up plot templatesg_basic <-ggplot(basic_stats_raw_metrics, aes(x = library, y = value)) +geom_col(position ="dodge") +scale_x_discrete() +scale_y_continuous(expand =c(0, 0)) +expand_limits(y =c(0, 100)) +facet_grid(metric ~ ., scales ="free", space ="free_x", switch ="y") + theme_kit +theme(axis.title.y =element_blank(),strip.text.y =element_text(face ="plain") )g_basic``````{r}#| label: plot-raw-quality#| fig-width: 8# Set up plotting templatesg_qual_raw <-ggplot(mapping=aes(linetype=read_pair, group=interaction(sample,read_pair))) +scale_linetype_discrete(name ="Read Pair") +guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE),linetype =guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)) + theme_base# Visualize adaptersg_adapters_raw <- g_qual_raw +geom_line(aes(x=position, y=pc_adapters), data=adapter_stats_raw) +scale_y_continuous(name="% Adapters", limits=c(0,NA),breaks =seq(0,10,1), expand=c(0,0)) +scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),breaks=seq(0,500,20), expand=c(0,0)) +facet_grid(.~adapter)g_adapters_raw# Visualize qualityg_quality_base_raw <- g_qual_raw +geom_hline(yintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_hline(yintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_line(aes(x=position, y=mean_phred_score), data=quality_base_stats_raw) +scale_y_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(10,45)) +scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),breaks=seq(0,500,20), expand=c(0,0))g_quality_base_rawg_quality_seq_raw <- g_qual_raw +geom_vline(xintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_vline(xintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_line(aes(x=mean_phred_score, y=n_sequences), data=quality_seq_stats_raw) +scale_x_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0)) +scale_y_continuous(name="# Sequences", expand=c(0,0))g_quality_seq_raw```# Preprocessing## SummaryThe average fraction of reads at each stage in the preprocessing pipeline is shown in the following table. Adapter trimming & filtering doesn't lose too many reads. Deduplication loses us about 55% of reads on average, which is good considering the high duplication content seen earlier. Ribodepletion only removes about 2% of reads in total, which makes sense as they did ribosomal depletion during sample preparation.```{r}#| label: preproc-table# TODO: Group by pool size as well# Count read lossesn_reads_rel <- basic_stats %>%select(sample, stage, percent_duplicates, n_read_pairs) %>%group_by(sample) %>%arrange(sample, stage) %>%mutate(p_reads_retained = n_read_pairs /lag(n_read_pairs),p_reads_lost =1- p_reads_retained,p_reads_retained_abs = n_read_pairs / n_read_pairs[1],p_reads_lost_abs =1-p_reads_retained_abs,p_reads_lost_abs_marginal = p_reads_lost_abs -lag(p_reads_lost_abs))n_reads_rel_display <- n_reads_rel %>%rename(Stage=stage) %>%group_by(Stage) %>%summarize(`% Total Reads Lost (Cumulative)`=paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs*100),1), ")"),`% Total Reads Lost (Marginal)`=paste0(round(min(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), "-", round(max(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), " (mean ", round(mean(p_reads_lost_abs_marginal*100),1), ")"), .groups="drop") %>%filter(Stage !="raw_concat") %>%mutate(Stage = Stage %>% as.numeric %>%factor(labels=c("Trimming & filtering", "Deduplication", "Initial ribodepletion", "Secondary ribodepletion")))n_reads_rel_display```## Quality control metricsCleaning seems to get rid of the library contamination and the polyg contamination. Polya contamination still is present, but I don't think we've found a solution to remove it as yet. Q score remain the same during read cleaning when looking at the positions, with the end of the read actually improving in score. Q scores across all sequences look pretty much the same throughout cleaning.```{r}#| warning: false#| label: plot-quality#| fig-height: 8#| fig-width: 10g_qual <-ggplot(mapping=aes(linetype=read_pair, group=interaction(sample,read_pair))) +scale_linetype_discrete(name ="Read Pair") +guides(color=guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE),linetype =guide_legend(nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)) + theme_base# Visualize adaptersg_adapters <- g_qual +geom_line(aes(x=position, y=pc_adapters), data=adapter_stats) +scale_y_continuous(name="% Adapters", limits=c(0,20),breaks =seq(0,50,10), expand=c(0,0)) +scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0)) +facet_grid(stage~adapter)g_adapters# Visualize qualityg_quality_base <- g_qual +geom_hline(yintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_hline(yintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_line(aes(x=position, y=mean_phred_score), data=quality_base_stats) +scale_y_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(10,45)) +scale_x_continuous(name="Position", limits=c(0,NA),breaks=seq(0,140,20), expand=c(0,0)) +facet_grid(stage~.)g_quality_baseg_quality_seq <- g_qual +geom_vline(xintercept=25, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_vline(xintercept=30, linetype="dashed", color="red") +geom_line(aes(x=mean_phred_score, y=n_sequences), data=quality_seq_stats) +scale_x_continuous(name="Mean Phred score", expand=c(0,0)) +scale_y_continuous(name="# Sequences", expand=c(0,0)) +facet_grid(stage~., scales ="free_y")g_quality_seq```These plots below show the trends from above in each sample. Deduplication seems to drop by a lot post deduplication,which is a good thing given it was so high earlier. Mean read length remains relatively constant throuhgout. Some samples still seem to have high ribosomal content, however I'm not too worried about this.```{r}#| label: preproc-figures#| warning: false#| fig-height: 3#| fig-width: 6g_stage_trace <-ggplot(basic_stats, aes(x=stage, group=sample)) + theme_kit# Plot reads over preprocessingg_reads_stages <- g_stage_trace +geom_line(aes(y=n_read_pairs)) +scale_y_continuous("# Read pairs", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(0,NA))g_reads_stages# Plot relative read losses during preprocessingg_reads_rel <-ggplot(n_reads_rel, aes(x=stage, group=sample)) +geom_line(aes(y=p_reads_lost_abs_marginal)) +scale_y_continuous("% Total Reads Lost", expand=c(0,0), labels =function(x) x*100) + theme_kitg_reads_rel``````{r}#| label: preproc-dedup#| fig-width: 10stage_dup <- basic_stats %>%group_by(stage) %>%summarize(dmin =min(percent_duplicates), dmax=max(percent_duplicates),dmean=mean(percent_duplicates), .groups ="drop")g_dup_stages <- g_stage_trace +geom_line(aes(y=percent_duplicates)) +scale_y_continuous("% Duplicates", limits=c(0,NA), expand=c(0,0))g_dup_stagesg_readlen_stages <- g_stage_trace +geom_line(aes(y=mean_seq_len)) +scale_y_continuous("Mean read length (nt)", expand=c(0,0), limits=c(0,NA))g_readlen_stages``````{r}#| label: ribo-frac#| fig-width: 10# Calculate reads lost during ribodepletion (approximation for % ribosomal reads)reads_ribo <- n_reads_rel %>%filter(stage %in%c("dedup", "ribo_secondary")) %>%group_by(sample) %>%summarize(p_reads_ribo=1-n_read_pairs[2]/n_read_pairs[1], .groups ="drop") %>%inner_join(libraries, by ='sample')reads_ribo_summ <- reads_ribo %>%group_by(sample) %>%summarize(min=min(p_reads_ribo), max=max(p_reads_ribo),mean=mean(p_reads_ribo), .groups ="drop") %>%inner_join(libraries, by ='sample')g_reads_ribo <-ggplot(reads_ribo, aes(x=library, y=p_reads_ribo)) +geom_point() +scale_y_continuous(name="Approx % ribosomal reads", limits=c(0,1),breaks=seq(0,1,0.2), expand=c(0,0), labels =function(y) y*100)+ theme_kitg_reads_ribo```# Taxonomic composition## High-level compositionTo assess the high-level composition of the reads, I ran the ribodepleted files through Kraken2 and summarized the results with Bracken.The groups listed below were created by Will:* Filtered (removed during cleaning)* Duplicate (removed during deduplication)* Ribosomal (removed during ribodepletion)* Unassigned (non-ribosomal reads that were not assigned to any taxon by Kraken/Bracken)* Bacterial (non-ribosomal reads assigned to the Bacteria domain by Kraken/Bracken)* Archaeal (non-ribosomal reads assigned to the Archaea domain by Kraken/Bracken)* Viral (non-ribosomal reads assigned to the Viruses domain by Kraken/Bracken)* Human (non-ribosomal reads assigned to the Eukarya domain by Kraken/Bracken)```{r}#| label: prepare-composition#| include: falseclassifications <-c("Filtered", "Duplicate", "Ribosomal", "Unassigned","Bacterial", "Archaeal", "Viral", "Human")# Import composition datatax_final_dir <-file.path(results_dir, "taxonomy_final")comp_path <-file.path(tax_final_dir, "taxonomic_composition.tsv.gz")comp <-read_tsv(comp_path) %>%left_join(libraries) %>%filter(library !="PCL21")comp_minor <- comp %>%filter(classification %in%c("Archaeal", "Viral", "Human", "Other"))comp_assigned <- comp %>%filter(! classification %in%c("Filtered", "Duplicate", "Ribosomal", "Unassigned")) %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(p_reads = n_reads/sum(n_reads))comp_assigned_minor <- comp_assigned %>%filter(classification %in%c("Archaeal", "Viral", "Human", "Other"))# Summarize compositionread_comp_summ <- comp %>%group_by(classification) %>%summarize(n_reads =sum(n_reads), .groups ="drop_last") %>%mutate(n_reads =replace_na(n_reads,0),p_reads = n_reads/sum(n_reads),pc_reads = p_reads*100)``````{r}#| label: plot-composition-all#| fig-height: 7#| fig-width: 8# Prepare plotting templatesg_comp_base <-ggplot(mapping=aes(x=library, y=p_reads, fill=classification)) +scale_x_discrete(name="Plasma pool") + theme_kit +theme(plot.title =element_text(hjust=0, face="plain", size=rel(1.5)))scale_y_pc_reads <- purrr::partial(scale_y_continuous, name ="% Reads",expand =c(0,0), labels =function(y) y*100)geom_comp <- purrr::partial(geom_col, position ="stack", width =1)# Define a color palette for the classificationclassification_colors <-brewer.pal(8, "Accent")names(classification_colors) <-c("Filtered", "Duplicate", "Ribosomal", "Unassigned", "Bacterial", "Archaeal", "Viral", "Human")scale_fill_classification <-function() {scale_fill_manual(values = classification_colors, name ="Classification")}# Plot overall compositiong_comp <- g_comp_base +geom_comp(data = comp) +scale_y_pc_reads(limits =c(0,1.01), breaks =seq(0,1,0.2)) +scale_fill_classification() +ggtitle("Read composition (all reads, all groups)")g_compg_comp_assigned <- g_comp_base +geom_comp(data = comp_assigned) +scale_y_pc_reads(limits =c(0,1.01), breaks =seq(0,1,0.2)) +scale_fill_classification() +ggtitle("Read composition (assigned reads, all groups)")g_comp_assigned```## Total viral contentTotal viral fraction average $1.12 \times 10^{-6}$ across samples. As a fraction of assigned (rather than total) reads, this jumped to $2.96 \times 10^{-6}$:```{r}#| label: p-viral#| include: false p_reads_viral_all <- comp %>%filter(classification =="Viral") %>%mutate(read_group ="All reads")p_reads_viral_assigned <- comp_assigned %>%filter(classification =="Viral") %>%mutate(read_group ="Classified reads")p_reads_viral <-bind_rows(p_reads_viral_all, p_reads_viral_assigned)# Plotg_viral <-ggplot(p_reads_viral, aes(x=library, y=p_reads, color = read_group, group = library)) +geom_point(size =5) +geom_line(color ='black') +scale_x_discrete(name="Plasma pool") +scale_y_log10(name="Viral read fraction", labels =label_log(digits=2), limits =c(1e-6, 1e-2)) + theme_kit +coord_flip()g_viral```## Taxonomic composition of virusesThere seems to be no dominant virus in the samples. Specifically, this seems to be the dataset with the most viral diversity (when compared to the previous plasma datasets). The threshold for the label "other" are the set of families that make up less than 30% composition in all samples.```{r}#| label: extract-viral-taxa#| include: false# Get viral taxonomyviral_taxa_path <-file.path(data_dir, "total-virus-db.tsv.gz")viral_taxa <-read_tsv(viral_taxa_path, show_col_types =FALSE)# Get Kraken reportsreports_path <-file.path(tax_final_dir, "kraken_reports.tsv.gz")reports <-read_tsv(reports_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample)# Filter to viral taxakraken_reports_viral <-filter(reports, taxid %in% viral_taxa$taxid) %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(p_reads_viral = n_reads_clade/n_reads_clade[1])kraken_reports_viral_cleaned <- kraken_reports_viral %>%select(-pc_reads_total, -n_reads_direct, -contains("minimizers")) %>%select(name, taxid, p_reads_viral, n_reads_clade, everything()) %>% ungroupviral_classes <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>%filter(rank =="C")viral_families <- kraken_reports_viral_cleaned %>%filter(rank =="F")``````{r}#| label: viral-family-composition#| fig-width: 10major_threshold <-0.3# Identify major viral familiesviral_families_major_tab <- viral_families %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(p_reads_viral_max =max(p_reads_viral), .groups="drop") %>%filter(p_reads_viral_max >= major_threshold)viral_families_major_list <- viral_families_major_tab %>%pull(name)viral_families_major <- viral_families %>%filter(name %in% viral_families_major_list) %>%select(name, taxid, sample, p_reads_viral)viral_families_minor <- viral_families_major %>%group_by(sample) %>%summarize(p_reads_viral_major =sum(p_reads_viral), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(name ="Other", taxid=NA, p_reads_viral =1-p_reads_viral_major) %>%select(name, taxid, sample, p_reads_viral)viral_families_display <- viral_families_major %>%bind_rows(viral_families_minor) %>%arrange(desc(p_reads_viral)) %>%mutate(name =factor(name, levels=c(viral_families_major_list, "Other"))) %>%rename(p_reads = p_reads_viral, classification=name) %>%inner_join(libraries, by='sample')pal <-c(brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2'),brewer.pal(8, 'Accent'), brewer.pal(8, 'Set1'), brewer.pal(8, 'Pastel1'), brewer.pal(8, 'Pastel2'))n_classifications <-length(unique(viral_families_display$classification)) -1custom_palette_with_black <-c( pal[1:n_classifications],"black")# Plotg_families <- g_comp_base +geom_comp(data=viral_families_display) +scale_y_continuous(name="% Viral Reads", limits=c(0,1.01), breaks =seq(0,1,0.2),expand=c(0,0), labels =function(y) y*100) +scale_fill_manual(values = custom_palette_with_black)g_families```# Human-infecting virus reads## Overall relative abundanceI calculated the relative abundance of human-infecting viruses in two ways:- First, as the total number of deduplicated human-virus reads in each sample, divided by the number of raw reads ("All reads"). This results in a viral fraction of $1.5 \times 10^{-6}$ across all samples- Second, as a fraction of preprocessed (cleaned, deduplicated, computationally ribodepleted) reads ("Preprocessed reads"). This results in a viral fraction of $3.2 \times 10^{-6}$ across all samples.```{r}#| label: prepare-hv#| include: false# Import and format readshv_reads_path <-file.path(hv_dir, "hv_hits_putative_collapsed.tsv.gz")mrg_hv <-read_tsv(hv_reads_path, show_col_types =FALSE) %>%inner_join(libraries, by="sample") %>%arrange(sample) %>%mutate(kraken_label =ifelse(assigned_hv, "Kraken2 HV assignment","No Kraken2 assignment")) %>%mutate(adj_score_max =pmax(adj_score_fwd, adj_score_rev),highscore = adj_score_max >=20,hv_status = assigned_hv | highscore) %>%rename(taxid_all = taxid, taxid = taxid_best)``````{r}#| label: count-hv-reads#| fig-width: 10#| warning: false#| include: false # Get raw read countsread_counts_raw <-filter(basic_stats_raw) %>%select(sample, n_reads_raw = n_read_pairs)read_counts_preproc <- basic_stats %>%filter(stage =="ribo_initial") %>%select(sample, n_reads_preproc = n_read_pairs)# Get HV read countsread_counts_hv <- mrg_hv %>%filter(hv_status) %>%group_by(sample) %>%count(name="n_reads_hv")read_counts <- read_counts_raw %>%left_join(read_counts_hv, by=c("sample")) %>%mutate(n_reads_hv =replace_na(n_reads_hv, 0)) %>%left_join(read_counts_preproc, by=c("sample")) %>%inner_join(libraries, by=c("sample")) %>%select(sample, n_reads_raw, n_reads_preproc, n_reads_hv) %>%mutate(n_samples =1,p_reads_total = n_reads_hv/n_reads_raw,p_reads_preproc = n_reads_hv/n_reads_preproc)read_counts_long <- read_counts %>%pivot_longer(starts_with("p_reads"), names_to="read_group", values_to="p_reads") %>%mutate(read_group =ifelse(read_group =="p_reads_total", "All reads", "Preprocessed reads"))# Combine for displayread_counts_agg <- read_counts %>%mutate(p_reads_total = n_reads_hv/n_reads_raw,p_reads_preproc = n_reads_hv/n_reads_preproc) %>%inner_join(libraries, by=c("sample"))read_counts_agg_long <- read_counts_agg %>%pivot_longer(starts_with("p_reads"), names_to="read_group", values_to="p_reads") %>%mutate(read_group =ifelse(read_group =="p_reads_total", "All reads (HV)", "Preprocessed reads (HV)")) # Visualizeg_read_counts <-ggplot(read_counts_agg_long, aes(x=library, y=p_reads, color = read_group, group = library)) +geom_point(size =5) +geom_line(color ='black') +scale_y_log10(name ="Unique human-viral read fraction", labels =label_log(digits=2), limits =c(1e-6, 1e-2)) + theme_kit +coord_flip()g_read_counts```## Overall taxonomy and compositionComposition of HV reads was changed from when looking at all viral reads. First, only 15% of the individuals in this dataset had human infecting viruses detectable in their blood. Second, individuals seem to be dominated by a single viral family. The threshold for the label "other" are the set of families that make up less than 5% composition in all samples.```{r}#| label: raise-hv-taxa#| include: false# Filter samples and add viral taxa informationsamples_keep <- read_counts %>%filter(n_reads_hv >5) %>%pull(sample)mrg_hv_named <- mrg_hv %>%filter(sample %in% samples_keep, hv_status) %>%left_join(viral_taxa, by="taxid") # Discover viral species & genera for HV readsraise_rank <-function(read_db, taxid_db, out_rank ="species", verbose =FALSE){# Get higher ranks than search rank ranks <-c("subspecies", "species", "subgenus", "genus", "subfamily", "family", "suborder", "order", "class", "subphylum", "phylum", "kingdom", "superkingdom") rank_match <-which.max(ranks == out_rank) high_ranks <- ranks[rank_match:length(ranks)]# Merge read DB and taxid DB reads <- read_db %>%select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid")# Extract sequences that are already at appropriate rank reads_rank <-filter(reads, rank == out_rank)# Drop sequences at a higher rank and return unclassified sequences reads_norank <- reads %>%filter(rank != out_rank, !rank %in% high_ranks, ! >0){ # As long as there are unclassified sequences...# Promote read taxids and re-merge with taxid DB, then re-classify and filter reads_remaining <- reads_norank %>%mutate(taxid = parent_taxid) %>%select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid") reads_rank <- reads_remaining %>%filter(rank == out_rank) %>%bind_rows(reads_rank) reads_norank <- reads_remaining %>%filter(rank != out_rank, !rank %in% high_ranks, ! }# Finally, extract and append reads that were excluded during the process reads_dropped <- reads %>%filter(!seq_id %in% reads_rank$seq_id) reads_out <- reads_rank %>%bind_rows(reads_dropped) %>%select(-parent_taxid, -rank, -name) %>%left_join(taxid_db, by="taxid")return(reads_out)}hv_reads_species <-raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "species")hv_reads_genus <-raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "genus")hv_reads_family <-raise_rank(mrg_hv_named, viral_taxa, "family")``````{r}#| label: hv-family#| fig-width: 10threshold_major_family <-0.05# Count reads for each human-viral familyhv_family_counts <- hv_reads_family %>%group_by(sample, name, taxid) %>%count(name ="n_reads_hv") %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(p_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))# Identify high-ranking families and group othershv_family_major_tab <- hv_family_counts %>%group_by(name) %>%filter(p_reads_hv ==max(p_reads_hv)) %>%filter(row_number() ==1) %>%arrange(desc(p_reads_hv)) %>%filter(p_reads_hv > threshold_major_family)hv_family_counts_major <- hv_family_counts %>%mutate(name_display =ifelse(name %in% hv_family_major_tab$name, name, "Other")) %>%group_by(sample, name_display) %>%summarize(n_reads_hv =sum(n_reads_hv), p_reads_hv =sum(p_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%mutate(name_display =factor(name_display, levels =c(hv_family_major_tab$name, "Other")))hv_family_counts_display <- hv_family_counts_major %>%rename(p_reads = p_reads_hv, classification = name_display) %>%inner_join(libraries, by ='sample')# Plotg_hv_family <- g_comp_base +geom_col(data=hv_family_counts_display, position ="stack", width=1) +scale_y_continuous(name="% HV Reads", limits=c(0,1.01), breaks =seq(0,1,0.2),expand=c(0,0), labels =function(y) y*100) +scale_fill_brewer(palette ='Accent', name ="Viral family") +labs(title="Family composition of human-viral reads") +guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=4)) +theme(plot.title =element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))g_hv_family# Get most prominent families for texthv_family_collate <- hv_family_counts %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(n_reads_tot =sum(n_reads_hv),p_reads_max =max(p_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))hv_family_collate```## Analyzing specific familiesWe now investigate the composition of specific families that had more than 5 viral reads. In investigating individual viral families, to avoid distortions from a few rare reads, I restricted myself to samples where that family made up at least 1% of human-viral reads:```{r}#| label: plot-viral-family-scripts#| include: falseplot_viral_family_composition <-function(taxid_chosen, threshold_major_species =0.1) {# Get set of chosen family reads family_samples <- hv_family_counts %>%filter(taxid == taxid_chosen) %>%filter(p_reads_hv >=0.1) %>%pull(sample) family_ids <- hv_reads_family %>%filter(taxid == taxid_chosen, sample %in% family_samples) %>%pull(seq_id)# Count reads for each species in the chosen family species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%filter(seq_id %in% family_ids) %>%group_by(sample, name, taxid) %>%count(name ="n_reads_hv") %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(p_reads_family = n_reads_hv/sum(n_reads_hv))# Identify high-ranking species and group others species_major_tab <- species_counts %>%group_by(name) %>%filter(p_reads_family ==max(p_reads_family)) %>%filter(row_number() ==1) %>%arrange(desc(p_reads_family)) %>%filter(p_reads_family > threshold_major_species) species_counts_major <- species_counts %>%mutate(name_display =ifelse(name %in% species_major_tab$name, name, "Other")) %>%group_by(sample, name_display) %>%summarize(n_reads_family =sum(n_reads_hv),p_reads_family =sum(p_reads_family), .groups="drop") %>%mutate(name_display =factor(name_display, levels =c(species_major_tab$name, "Other"))) species_counts_display <- species_counts_major %>%rename(p_reads = p_reads_family, classification = name_display) %>%right_join(libraries, by =c('sample'))#mutate(p_reads = coalesce(p_reads, 0),# classification = coalesce(classification, species_major_tab$name[1])) %>%#group_by(location) %>%#mutate(samples_with_reads = sum(p_reads > 0),# label = paste0(location, " (", sprintf("%.1f%%", 100 * samples_with_reads / total_samples), ")")) %>%#ungroup()# Get family name for the title family_name <- viral_taxa %>%filter(taxid == taxid_chosen) %>%pull(name) species_count <- species_counts_display %>%select(classification) %>%distinct() %>%pull() %>%length()if (species_count <=8) { pal <-brewer.pal(name ="Accent", n = species_count) } else { pal <-c(brewer.pal(name ="Paired", n =12), brewer.pal(name ="Set3", n =12), brewer.pal(name ="Set1", n =9))[1:species_count] }# Plot g_species <- g_comp_base +geom_col(data=species_counts_display, position ="stack") +scale_y_continuous(name=paste0("% ", family_name, " reads"), limits=c(0,1.01), breaks =seq(0,1,0.2),expand=c(0,0), labels =function(y) y*100) +scale_fill_manual(values = pal, name ="Viral species") +labs(title=paste0("Species composition of ", family_name, " reads")) +guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=3)) +theme(plot.title =element_text(size=rel(1.4), hjust=0, face="plain"))return(g_species)}plot_viral_family_histogram <-function(taxid_chosen) {# Filter data for the specified virus family family_data <- hv_family_counts %>%inner_join(libraries, by =c('sample')) %>%filter(taxid == taxid_chosen)# Get family name for the title family_name <- viral_taxa %>%filter(taxid == taxid_chosen) %>%pull(name)# Create the histogram g_histogram <-ggplot(family_data, aes(x = library, y = n_reads_hv)) +geom_bar(stat ="identity") +geom_text(aes(label = scales::comma(n_reads_hv)), vjust =-0.5, size =3) +theme_minimal() +theme(axis.text.x =element_text(angle =45, hjust =1)) +scale_x_discrete(limits = libraries %>%pull(library)) +labs(title =paste("Distribution of", family_name, "Reads by Location"),x ="Location",y ="Number of reads" ) +scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +expand_limits(y =max(family_data$n_reads_hv) *1.1)+ theme_kit # Expand y-axis to make room for labelsreturn(g_histogram)}```### Flaviviridae (Number of reads: 25,997)```{r}#| label: plot-flaviviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Flaviviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=11050)``````{r}#| label: plot-flaviviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Flaviviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=11050, threshold_major_species =0.01)```### Anelloviridae (Number of reads: 10,103)```{r}#| label: plot-anelloviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Anelloviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=687329)``````{r}#| label: plot-anelloviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Anelloviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=687329, threshold_major_species =0.01)```### Coronaviridae (Number of reads: 1,104)```{r}#| label: plot-coronaviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Coronaviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=11118)``````{r}#| label: plot-coronaviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Coronaviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=11118, threshold_major_species =0.01)```### Orthoherpesviridae (Number of reads: 534)```{r}#| label: plot-orthoherpesviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Orthoherpesviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=3044472)``````{r}#| label: plot-orthoherpesviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Orthoherpesviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=3044472, threshold_major_species =0.01)```### Parvoviridae (Number of reads: 335) ```{r}#| label: plot-parvoviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Parvoviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=10780)``````{r}#| label: plot-parvoviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Parvoviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=10780, threshold_major_species =0.01)```### Retroviridae (Number of reads: 224) ```{r}#| label: plot-retroviridae-histogram#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 2.5# Retroviridaeplot_viral_family_histogram(taxid_chosen=11632)``````{r}#| label: plot-retroviridae-composition#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 7.5#| warning: false# Retroviridaeplot_viral_family_composition(taxid_chosen=11632, threshold_major_species =0.01)```## Relative abundance of pathogenic viruses of interest```{r}#| label: hv-composition-exclusion#| include: falsetotal <- basic_stats_raw %>%select(sample, n_read_pairs)hv_family_counts <- hv_reads_family %>%group_by(sample, name, taxid) %>%count(name ="n_reads_hv") %>%inner_join(total, by='sample') %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(ra_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/n_read_pairs)hv_family_collate <- hv_family_counts %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(n_reads_tot =sum(n_reads_hv),ra_reads_tot =mean(ra_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))hv_family_collate <- hv_family_collate %>%rename('family'='name','family_n_reads_tot'='n_reads_tot','family_ra_reads_tot'='ra_reads_tot',)hv_genus_counts <- hv_reads_genus %>%group_by(sample, name, taxid) %>%count(name ="n_reads_hv") %>%inner_join(total, by='sample') %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(ra_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/n_read_pairs)hv_genus_collate <- hv_genus_counts %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(n_reads_tot =sum(n_reads_hv),ra_reads_tot =mean(ra_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))hv_genus_collate <- hv_genus_collate %>%rename('genus'='name','genus_n_reads_tot'='n_reads_tot','genus_ra_reads_tot'='ra_reads_tot',)hv_species_counts <- hv_reads_species %>%group_by(sample, name, taxid) %>%count(name ="n_reads_hv") %>%inner_join(total, by='sample') %>%group_by(sample) %>%mutate(ra_reads_hv = n_reads_hv/n_read_pairs)hv_species_collate <- hv_species_counts %>%group_by(name, taxid) %>%summarize(n_reads_tot =sum(n_reads_hv),ra_reads_tot =mean(ra_reads_hv), .groups="drop") %>%arrange(desc(n_reads_tot))hv_species_collate <- hv_species_collate %>%rename('species'='name','species_n_reads_tot'='n_reads_tot','species_ra_reads_tot'='ra_reads_tot',)``````{r}#| label: hv-filter-exclusion#| include: false# Assuming the data is already loaded into tibbles:#hv_family_collate#hv_genus_collate#hv_species_collate#viral_taxa# Function to find parent taxa recursivelyfind_parent_taxa <-function(taxid, target_ranks, taxa_data) { current_taxid <- taxid result <-setNames(vector("list", length(target_ranks)), target_ranks)while (TRUE) { row <- taxa_data %>%filter(taxid == current_taxid) %>%slice(1)if (nrow(row) ==0) break# If no matching taxid is found, break the loopif (row$rank %in% target_ranks) { result[[row$rank]] <-list(taxid = row$taxid, name = row$name)if (all(!sapply(result, is.null))) {break# If all target ranks are found, break the loop } }if (row$taxid == row$parent_taxid) {break# Avoid infinite loop at root } current_taxid <- row$parent_taxid }# Replace NULL with NA for any unfound ranks result <-lapply(result, function(x) if (is.null(x)) list(taxid =NA, name =NA) else x)return(result)}# Find all relevant parent taxa for each speciesresult <- hv_species_collate %>%mutate(parent_info =map(taxid, ~find_parent_taxa(.x, c("species","subgenus", "genus", "subfamily", "family"), viral_taxa)),genus_taxid =map_dbl(parent_info, ~.x$genus$taxid),genus =map_chr(parent_info, ~.x$genus$name),family_taxid =map_dbl(parent_info, ~.x$family$taxid),family =map_chr(parent_info, ~.x$family$name) ) %>%select(-parent_info)# Join with genus countsresult <- result %>%left_join( hv_genus_collate %>%select(taxid, genus_n_reads_tot, genus_ra_reads_tot),by =c("genus_taxid"="taxid") )# Join with family countsresult <- result %>%left_join( hv_family_collate %>%select(taxid, family_n_reads_tot, family_ra_reads_tot),by =c("family_taxid"="taxid") )# Clean upresult <- result %>%select(-ends_with("_taxid"))#result```Each dot represents a sample, colored by viral family. The x-axis shows the relative abundance of human-infecting viruses, and the y-axis shows the species.```{r}#| label: plot-pathogenic-viruses#| fig-width: 10#| fig-height: 10#| warning: falsespecies_family <- result %>%select(species, family) %>%rename('name'='species')play <- hv_species_counts %>%ungroup() %>%inner_join(libraries, by ='sample') %>%inner_join(species_family, by ='name') %>%mutate(name =ifelse(name =="Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus", "SARS-related coronavirus", name))adjusted_play <- play %>%group_by(name) %>%mutate(virus_prevalence_num =n_distinct(sample)/n_distinct(libraries),total_reads_hv =sum(n_reads_hv)) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(name =fct_reorder(name, virus_prevalence_num, .desc=TRUE)) %>%select(name, ra_reads_hv, family, virus_prevalence_num, total_reads_hv, n_reads_hv)pal <-c(brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2'),brewer.pal(8, 'Accent'))#, labels = label_log(digits=2)ra_dot <-ggplot(adjusted_play, aes(x = ra_reads_hv, y=name)) +geom_quasirandom(orientation ='y', aes(color = family)) +scale_color_manual(values = pal) +scale_x_log10("Relative abundance human virus reads",labels=label_log(digits=3) ) +labs(y ="",color ='Viral family') +guides(color =guide_legend(ncol=2)) +theme_light() +theme(axis.text.y =element_text(size =10),axis.text.x =element_text(size =12),axis.ticks.y =element_blank(),axis.line =element_line(colour ="black"),axis.title.x =element_text(size =14), legend.text =element_text(size =10),legend.title =element_text(size =10, face="bold"),#legend.position = 'bottom',legend.position =c(1, 1), # Move legend to top rightlegend.justification =c(1, 1), # Align legend to top rightpanel.grid.minor =element_blank(),panel.border =element_blank(),panel.background =element_blank())ra_dot```I can then take all of the viruses that we found and look up what they're responsible for and whether they're dangerous.| Virus Name | Common Name | Pathogenic Potential ||------------|-------------|----------------------|| Human immunodeficiency virus 1 | HIV-1 | Very high, causes AIDS if left untreated, leading to severe immunodeficiency || SARS-related coronavirus | SARS-CoV | High, causes severe acute respiratory syndrome with potentially fatal outcomes || Hepacivirus hominis | Hepatitis C Virus | High, causes chronic liver disease and can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer || Cytomegalovirus humanbeta5 | Human Cytomegalovirus | Moderate to high, can cause severe disease in immunocompromised individuals and congenital infections || Lymphocryptovirus humangamma4 | Epstein-Barr Virus | Moderate, causes infectious mononucleosis and associated with certain cancers || Erythroparvovirus primate1 | Human Parvovirus B19 | Moderate, causes fifth disease and can be serious in certain populations (pregnant women, immunocompromised) || Roseolovirus humanbeta6a | Human Herpesvirus 6A | Low to moderate, can cause roseola in children and occasionally more severe complications || Roseolovirus humanbeta6b | Human Herpesvirus 6B | Low to moderate, can cause roseola in children and occasionally more severe complications || Alphapapillomavirus 2 | Human Papillomavirus 2 | Low to moderate, can cause common warts and rarely progress to cancer || Betapapillomavirus 5 | Human Papillomavirus 5 | Low to moderate, associated with skin lesions in immunosuppressed individuals || Betapapillomavirus 2 | Human Papillomavirus 9 | Low to moderate, associated with cutaneous lesions and rarely with non-melanoma skin cancer || Primate T-lymphotropic virus 2 | Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus 2 | Low, rarely associated with neurological disorders || Nupapillomavirus 1 | Human Papillomavirus 41 | Low, can cause benign cutaneous lesions || Alphapolyomavirus quintihominis | Human Polyomavirus 5 | Low, not known to cause significant disease in healthy individuals || Pegivirus hominis | Human Pegivirus | Very low, not known to cause disease in humans || Pegivirus columbiaense | Pegivirus C | Very low, not known to cause disease in humans | |This was interesting to see. This is the first study where we've seen signficant numbers of human-infecting viruses in whole blood.## Relative abundance assuming perfect human read removal```{r}#| label: perfect-hv-removal#| include: falsehuman_reads <- comp_assigned %>%filter(classification %in%c("Human")) %>%select(sample, human_reads=n_reads)all <- hv_family_counts %>%inner_join(human_reads, by='sample') %>%group_by(sample) %>%summarize(sum_reads=sum(n_reads_hv), n_read_pairs=first(n_read_pairs) -first(human_reads)) %>%mutate(ra = sum_reads/n_read_pairs) %>%pull(ra) %>%mean()all```Assuming we're able to perfectly remove all human reads, the average relative abundance of known human infecting virus is $1.91 \times 10^{-5}$.# ConclusionThere were some interesting takeways from this analysis:1. Whole blood metagenomics was able to detect HIV-1, SARS-CoV-2, HCV, CMV, EBV, HTLV-2, and other herpesviruses. This is important as some of these are latent viruses.2. Far fewer individuals tend to have detectable levels of human infecting viruses, when compared to the plasma datasets.3. Important viruses can be detected from RNA-seq data, even if the study wasn't explictly designed to look at them.# Appendix## Human-infecting virus families, genera, and speciesTo get a good overview of families, genera, and species, we can look at a Sankey plot where the magnitude of relative abundance, averaged over all samples, is shown in parentheses.```{r}#| label: hv-sankey#| fig-height: 22.5#| fig-width: 10#| warning: false# Function to create linkscreate_links <-function(data) { family_to_genus <- data %>%filter(! %>%group_by(family, genus) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = family, target = genus) genus_to_species <- data %>%group_by(genus, species) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = genus, target = species) family_to_species <- data %>%filter( %>%group_by(family, species) %>%summarise(value =n(), .groups ="drop") %>%mutate(source = family, target = species)bind_rows(family_to_genus, genus_to_species, family_to_species) %>%filter(!}# Function to create nodescreate_nodes <-function(links) {data.frame(name =c(links$source, links$target) %>%unique() )}# Function to prepare data for Sankey diagramprepare_sankey_data <-function(links, nodes) { links$IDsource <-match(links$source, nodes$name) -1 links$IDtarget <-match(links$target, nodes$name) -1list(links = links, nodes = nodes)}# Function to create Sankey plotcreate_sankey_plot <-function(sankey_data) {sankeyNetwork(Links = sankey_data$links, Nodes = sankey_data$nodes,Source ="IDsource", Target ="IDtarget",Value ="value", NodeID ="name",sinksRight =TRUE,nodeWidth =25,fontSize =14, )}save_sankey_as_png <-function(sankey_plot, width =1000, height =800) {# Save the plot as an HTML filesaveWidget(sankey_plot, sprintf('%s/sankey.html',data_dir))}format_scientific <-function(x, digits=2) {sapply(x, function(val) {if ( ||abs(val) <1e-15) {return("0") } else { exponent <-floor(log10(abs(val))) coef <- val /10^exponent#return(sprintf("%.1f × 10^%d", round(coef, digits), exponent))# May or may not be smart, just keeping magnitudereturn(sprintf("10^%d", exponent)) } })}data <- result %>%mutate(across(c(genus_n_reads_tot, genus_ra_reads_tot), ~replace_na(., 0)),genus =ifelse(, "Unknown Genus", genus)) %>%mutate(species =paste0(species, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(species_ra_reads_tot))),genus =paste0(genus, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(genus_ra_reads_tot))),family =paste0(family, sprintf(' (%s)', format_scientific(family_ra_reads_tot))))links < <-create_nodes(links)sankey_data <-prepare_sankey_data(links, nodes)sankey <-create_sankey_plot(sankey_data)sankey```